In all the years that I’ve gotten into skincare (me being vain, I started getting into it when I was in sec sch – around when I was 15 yrs old?), I’ve learned so much about the benefits of using certain ingredients and had a good idea of what to incorporate into my skincare routine to get better skin.
But it took me 9 years into this skincare journey to finally realise what the most important rule of getting those active ingredients to work together is. Something finally clicked when I was watching Dr Sam Bunting’s skincare video on youtube - beyond knowing the benefits of each active and what can be used with another, the key success factor lies within having discipline and faith.
It is having the discipline to
i) not give up using the new product
ii) go adding new/random products in a moment of panic when something new that I’m trying out does not seem to work,
and having faith that the actives will work given a sufficient amount of time. The skin takes 6 weeks to renew itself so it’s worth waiting for at least 6 weeks to see the effects of the new product that you’ve introduced in your routine.
Growing up, I’ve discovered that having discipline is really important and it seems to show up everywhere in my life – even when it comes to having great skin. I’m linking the Dr Sam Bunting’s youtube video here, just in case anyone’s interested. There’s way more information over there and I can tell you, it’s life-changing.
I have recently started using a retinal product and am 2 weeks into the retinol journey. It’s not all smooth sailing, I seem to be no less immune to the purging that everyone who has tried retinol has experienced. But I’m hoping it’s all worth it. I’m also planning to document my retinol journey as well as put up more skincare findings here.
Stay tuned for my updates and thanks for reading! :)